Creation Care

  • Creation Care

    “God so loved the world that he gave his only son ...” is not a pious platitude or a simple religious refrain. It is a declaration of God’s purpose and mission in the world from the beginning to this very day. “God so loved the world.’ That’s not just about us who are human. It’s about the whole of God’s grand and glorious Creation.”

    —Former Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

    Here at St. Mary’s, we take seriously our calling to care for all of creation. On this page you can find ideas and tools for making life-affirming choices about how we inhabit and care for earth, our island home, and all of creation.

  • Monthly meetings

    The Creation Care team meets via Zoom on the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm. Contact Eugene Loh or the church office for the link.

    There is usually an invited speaker, generally someone living locally that works in a climate-related field.

    Solar panels
  • Actions you can take

    Click here for a list of ideas and activities.

    Eat More Plants! Share your favorite plant-based recipes with Eugene, to add to our online Plant-Based Cookbook. Click here to view it.

    Vegetarian Potuck
  • Calculate your Carbon Footprint

    Use this link to join with other Episcopalians in the wider church in monitoring your carbon footprint and taking action to address climate change.

    Basket of vegetables
  • Using our Kitchen

    Our kitchen is stocked with dishes and flatware so we rarely use disposable items. St. Mary’s members are diligent about recycling and composting. Click here for details.

    Sorting Trash

  • Readings and Resources

    Click here for readings and resources on caring for creation.

Creation Care Reflections

Ann Pettit

  • In these recorded remarks, Ann Pettit focuses on the sacred relationship to creation.

Steve Bruemmer

  • In these recorded remarks, Steve Bruemmer shared about an unexpected Lenten sacrifice.

Roni Portillo on Plant-Based Eating

  • What if I told you we can reduce a third of global greenhouse gas emissions. And that this approach can also reduce heart disease, lower blood pressure and overall lower mortality rates.

    Food systems – what we eat; how we grow, ship and cook it; and how we dispose of and sometimes waste it – are responsible for roughly a third of global greenhouse gas emissions. But for the better part of three decades, the final agreements that emerge from the UN’s yearly climate summits have left out the impact food systems have on our climate. That changed this past year in Dubai. The conference opened with a declaration on sustainable agriculture signed by more than 130 countries. For the first time ever, it featured a whole day devoted to food and agriculture and saw a food systems road map laid out by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization.

    The world’s meat-producing industry contributes more greenhouse gases into the Earth’s atmosphere than the emissions of all cars, trucks, airplanes, and trains put together.

    Ok, so many of you have already heard that eating less meat, dairy and eggs is good for you, and some have heard that eating a plant-based diet is better for the planet but still some people are resistant to this call to action.

    The Creation Care Ministry has been touching on this subject and feel that education and community support are two ways we can encourage everyone to increase their consumption of plant-based foods and reduce meat, dairy and eggs. Not everyone is going to eat a 100 % plant-based diet…some will reduce their consumption of meat, others may eliminate dairy and eggs but wherever you currently are with your consumption of meat and animal products, the care for our planet and for our bodies should make us consider the real impact of our food choices in light of all the research that we now have that links to both a healthier planet and healthier body.

    To that end, the Creation Care Ministry invites everyone to join our Plant Based/Vegetarian Potluck on April 14th after worship service. We will be sharing recipes and more info will be shared as we get closer to April 14th.

Seagull and plastic bag in ocean

Marty Dunn on Plastics

  • In these recorded remarks, Marty Dunn shares tips on reducing our use of plastics.

Karin Forno on Transportation

  • In these recorded remarks, Karin Forno shared tips on reducing our transportation impact on the climate.

Eugene Loh, Lenten Series on Climate Action

  • On Sundays during Lent 2024, a St. Mary's discussion group is reflecting on Lenten practices; discussing how they can lead to joy, meaning, and identity; and exploring connections to action on what is perhaps the most epic challenge facing humanity today: climate change.

    Some people may think I have strong, extreme opinions on climate change, but my intention with this discussion group is, yes to ask provocative questions that reflect my perspective, but then to listen and learn. With these videos, I want to report what I am hearing and learning.

    1. Sacrifice & Joy: Video after 2/18/24 Discussion

    2. First World Privilege: Video after 2/25/24 Discussion

    3. Group Therapy: Video after 3/3/24 Discussion

    4. Stop THEF!: Video after 3/10/24 Discussion