Prayer and Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care
Life is never without challenges, but they are easier to bear with the support of a community. Our clergy welcome your questions and concerns and are always willing to spend time with you in times of challenge and crisis. Please contact the Rev. Kristine Johnson if you or a loved one is in the hospital. We also have lay pastoral visitors who deliver flowers and prayer shawls and the love of the congregation to those in need of care.
For more information, contact The Rev. Kristine Johnson (, 831-373-4441 x11).
Prayer List
If you or someone you know would like to be included in our weekly Prayers of the People, printed in the Sunday worship bulletin, please email the parish administrator ( or call the office (831-373-4441). If you would like pastoral support, Pastor Kristine is happy to meet or speak with you; please call the office or email her at
Note that to keep our weekly prayer list updated, the standard length of time in the bulletin is four weeks, unless you request an extended time.
Those who have passed away are included in the prayers for those who have died, for one week, on the Sunday after we are notified.
Intercessory Prayer
Annette Foisie, of the Order of St. Luke, is available to pray with you about any concerns you may have, or thanksgiving, for others or for yourself, in total confidentiality. See her at the Memorial Altar after the Sunday 10 am service, or contact her any time at
Prayer Shawl Ministry
St. Mary's has an active Prayer Shawl Ministry. If someone you know would benefit from one, you are welcome to stop by the office to pick one up.
If you are interested in participating in this ministry, read more here.