Rector’s Reflection - April 2024
What are you giving up for Easter?
I know that’s an unusual question. We gave something up, or took something on, in Lent. Now that season of reflection and penitence is over, and it’s Easter. Unbury the alleluias, bring on the joy!
Hear me out, though, about giving something up. In Lent we do it as a spiritual practice with the intention to grow closer to God and live more in alignment with God’s will for our lives, following the example of Jesus. Jesus did not turn from his call to proclaim, in word and deed, the nearness of God’s reign, even though he knew he would suffer and die. So whatever we gave up in Lent to grow closer to God, I hope it will allow us to give up fear for Easter (the season lasts 50 days!), so that we might continue to deepen our relationship with God and work for God’s reign on earth.
Easter is a season of joy, though. Why talk about fear? Because even when we are joyful, fear can cloud our joy (admit it, you’ve wondered how long the joy can last, when the shoe will drop, right?). Fear impinges on the freedom God intends for us – our freedom to be bearers of God’s good news, our freedom to live whole lives, to grow into the fullness of our God-given potential, whatever our gifts. Fear tells us we can’t, or it would be risky if we did. Fear tells us it’s understandable if we don’t. God says, “take the risk – I’ve got you!”
And the proof is resurrection. The impossible happened. God answered a violent “no” with a life-giving “yes.” We will be afraid – that’s part of our survival instinct – but with God’s help we can give up that fear and keep doing Jesus’ work. Giving up fear is not one and done. It is, like all things in this Christian life, a practice. So welcome to Easter. Let’s practice together. Alleluia!