Rector’s Reflection - May

Dear friends in Christ,

Happy Easter! Last month in my reflection I invited us to give up fear for Easter. How is that going for you? I admit it is hard sometimes, when I consume “news,” whether it comes from newspapers, radio, tv, social media, or the mouth of a friend. What counts as “news” is so rarely positive and uplifting. Too often we feel like we are standing at the all-you-should-worry-about buffet.

The awful thing about buffets is that we are tempted to take some of everything, and end up with more on our plate than we can possibly consume. The wonderful thing about those kinds of buffets is that we are in control of what we consume. I hear people say “I need to be informed,” and I ask “why?” The question is meant seriously. Knowing why you are engaging with media or information of any kind can help you set appropriate limits and direct your searches.

For me, I want to know what is happening not so that I can feel powerless and afraid but so that I can discern what is mine to do – how I can be a “repairer of the breach,” to use a term from Isaiah. To do that, I need to consume the food and drink of eternal life more than I consume the junk food the world offers. I need to remember that I am a beloved child of God, that I am a branch on Jesus’ vine, called and equipped to bear good fruit.

Jesus said, “seek first God’s reign, and everything else will come.” If you find yourself standing at the all-you-should-worry about buffet too long, looking carefully at everything and putting a little of it all on your plate, step away for a moment and look out the window or go outside. The earth and all that is in it is God’s. Let your heart feast on the knowledge and love of God, and you will find you have little room left for anything else on your plate. And I pray you also will find you have strength and courage to do what is yours to do to bring this world a little closer to God’s dream.


Pastor Kristine


Blood Drive on June 30th


Canzona, Partita, Toccata…oh, my!